Earlier this month our die-hard work horse of 3 years, well.... died. Our little Hyundai Accent had been with us since before we were married and had seen us through many long trips and several states of residency. Actually, it was doing rather well given that it was around 120,000 miles and we had originally bought it used (with problems that hadn't been divulged to us at the time of sale). We both knew that it was on its last legs since summer and that it would need more work than we were willing to put into it. Well, two weeks ago our little teal hatchback decided that it had had enough and promptly ejected its brakes. Yep, while Jeremy was still driving! (He managed to pull off of the road safely though ...whew!)
This sent us on a mad dash of researching and comparing countless cars and brands, all the while being under the clock. We wanted a car with good gas mileage, good pick-up and pep, lots of storage space but not a beast on the road. Finding a car like that should be easy, right? Right, no wait.... Wrong. I can't remember having so much trouble and confusion about choosing anything before. And dealing with car salesmen isn't exactly no-pressure happy fun. Let's just say that by the end of the week, both of us were about to throw in the towel and buy whatever car we came across on the next lot.
Thankfully, we didn't have to. One week ago, we walked in, drove around, thoroughly loved, and bought our new baby - a Nissan Versa Hatchback in Onyx Blue! We had the nicest salesmen walk us through everything - I'd totally recommend them to anyone in the Maryland area who's interested in test-driving a Nissan.
Email me if you'd like to know their names. Jeremy loves how it drives and the power of the engine. I love the space of the hatchback for hauling our equipment. It's not that big on the outside but you'd be surprised how much you can pack inside of it. Plus, it's totally comfortable with 4 people in it. We're completely happy with our Versa and couldn't have asked for a better car. (Well, maybe next time we will add a sunroof. ^_^) You know I had to take at least one picture.

We've now become the safest drivers on the road - driving at least 10 miles under the speed limit in the slow lane. It's our first new car so I think we're entitled to being very protective, albeit very proud parents too.
There are some exciting things in the works at the moment. I can't say anything yet. But I will say we've been very busy. Also, I will be traveling on and off through the rest of the year so if you'd like to schedule a meeting or book your wedding with us, I would advise that you contact us soon to reserve an open date.
Enjoy the fall everyone! ~Heather