This Christmas, I'll be in partly sunny and somewhat foggy California. I'm so excited that I'll get to catch up with friends and family whom I haven't seen in years. It's going to be awesome! Unfortunately, I won't have access to the internet. *gasp* (So no more blog posts unless I sneak away to a Starbucks or wi-fi shop). I'll still be taking lots of picture to show everyone when I return.

Now for a moment of fun: This weekend, as I ventured out into the overwhelming sea that is the Holiday Mall Madness, I saw the cutest pair of Christmas socks! I confess - I indulged my inner festive child and snatched them up! Red and white candy striped? Oooooh, yes! Dear Santa, 12 months is a long time... So true. I love them and I won't be taking them off until April! :)
Happy Holidays!