I had the most wonderful experience last night! I went to a seminar! ...huh? Yes, a photography seminar.The Austin leg of The Free To Succeed Tour by David Jay and Jasmine Star. Sound fun? I know, I felt the same way going in. "These two are great photographers. I'm sure what they say will be helpful, informative, and educational. Can't go wrong with learning a new thing or two."
What it turned out to be was one, big eye (and heart) opener. I can't say I ever cried at a seminar before, but I'll admit it, I cried during Jasmine's talk. It just hit me - a deep connection to one of her experiences. It resonated with me so much, that tears just came. It totally took me by surprise. Is this still a "seminar"?
What began with DJ and Jasmine's encouragement and simplistic yet profound insight continued to follow me throughout the night. I didn't get much sleep. =) I couldn't help it! I was so excited and anxious and ...everything all at once! I could feel things buzzing in me that hadn't "buzzed" in a long time and I didn't want that feeling to go away.
So I am writing this post for me. To keep me honest. To keep me real. What I learned from DJ and Jasmine is something I want to take into my photography and beyond. It's a new way of thinking and living. And I really want to remind myself over and over again just how this fizzy, whirly wonderfulness feels - until I can make it my own.
Thanks for listening to me. =) I appreciate it. If you happen to be a fellow photographer/ creative mind, check out the tour site for the city nearest you. If you're able to get to one of their seminars, go! It was the best thing I've done for myself and my future in a long, long time.
(I'd like to say hey to the ladies I met last night! Grace from Corpus Christi and Courtney from beaubaby right here in Austin. I hope you came away with as much inspiration as I did. Keep in touch!)