The day after I got into Santa Rosa, I got to see the Brian Setzler Orchestra - a rocking big band playing the Christmas favs in style. (Glittery red hot bass with painted flames included!) Seeing them perform made me want to run off and become a back-up singing flapper girl for Mr. Setzler. Brian, darling - Let's talk. :)
I was also lucky enough to see the musical Jersey Boys playing down in San Francisco - the city. It's a great show with great music. Check the link if you want to see more about it.
The main reason I came to California this year was to see my Dad and family that I haven't seen in a long time! (Several I hadn't seen since I was "knee high".) It's amazing how family members whom you've never known most of your life simply connect with you. It's a really cool experience that I'm glad I got to have.

I got to meet up with my friends Ellen and Randy at an awesome local sushi restaurant named Sakura - definitely recommended! The food and the friends :)

That's my Dad! ^_^ And because turnabout's fair play, here's me with the Mark V!
Go Speed Racer!
(Photo courtesy of Dad. He's the one that first got me into Photography. Thanks Dad.)

Dad and I got to catch a few movies and have some fun in the theater lobby. The following is why you should always have your camera handy when you go to the movies!

That's my Dad! ^_^ And because turnabout's fair play, here's me with the Mark V!
Go Speed Racer!
(Photo courtesy of Dad. He's the one that first got me into Photography. Thanks Dad.)
That's all for Part 1!
Next up, more friends - more family - and some really adorable pics of puppies!
Man, your pictures are just top notch. I wish you guys were closer so you could get some good shots of Caleb before he is all grown up. :(